
All children living in Tanzania who develop cancer:
- Are diagnosed in a timely fashion to enable treatment with curative intent.
- Have appropriate access to good quality paediatric oncology services.
- Shouldn’t live no more than 4 hours away from a participating National Children’s Cancer Network site
- Commitment – to reach and provide free treatment to every child with cancer in Tanzania.
- Excellency – to provide the highest quality of care and to use all available resources effectively an efficiently.
- Partnership – to work continuously in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the national Paediatric Oncology Network, CHI, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) and our donors and supporters to make our vision of a comprehensive and coordinated national service a reality.
- Integrity – to ensure accountability and transparency with all funding received and services offered for children in treatment.
- The Now & the Future – maintaining two equal priorities: providing the very best for children now by whatever means available, while constantly striving for local system strengthening for the children of the future.