We are so incredibly grateful to Bernie and the support of her husband Michael for successfully completing a charity walk dedicated to fundraising for TLM, in loving Memory of Fr Terry. Bernie raised a whopping 258% of her £1,100 target and did so with 47 keen supporters to whom we are incredibly grateful. Take a look here at her trojan efforts.

Bernie thoroughly enjoyed challenging herself and walking in her local TullyRusk and Co Antrim area. The above are some pictures she sent us from her walks and the wonderful scenery she enjoyed.
In his life, Fr Terry helped his parishioners with education, access to health care, clean water and solar power. He was instrumental in helping many students of the District receive a third level education. He supported our children’s cancer programme from 2007 and with his brother Fr Des and the parish of Chipperfield in the UK, and helped to finance and source the first chemotherapy available for all childhood malignancies at the Ocean Road Cancer Institute.
He made a wonderful impact in his life and is missed by many in Tanzania, the UK and Ireland. Bernie’s walk is testimony to the ongoing impact of his life in Tanzania and indeed the world. Thank you again Bernie and Michael – YOU ARE TLM!!!