I support TLM because the work they do helps children survive cancer who otherwise would have no hope. They do more with less and keep a high standard of quality in their treatments. They don’t compromise in the care they provide. They always try to improve, go to more places, reach more children and save more lives.
Maria from Salamanca.
I support TLM as I have seen how the money raised is effectively used to directly support the treatment and wellbeing of children and their families as well as support the training and empowerment of the local staff and systems providing public health prevention, care and treatment.
Sharon from Cornwall
TLM is an organization that exhibits exceptional leadership, focus, on the ground experience, innovation and integration with government services. This is all directed towards the welfare of some of the most vulnerable people in the world: children with cancer in sub-Saharan Africa.
Richard from London
I feel honoured to donate to TLM ‘Because I have seen first hand how much difference it has made to the care and treatment of children with cancer from the early days in Ocean Road to what is available now.
Mark from Hull.
I heard about your charity, listening to Pat Kenny on his morning program. I was very touched by Doctor Trish, and felt that I had to make some small effort to help you and your great team. I am an 85 year Old widow from Limerick. I felt, that it was very important for me to donate especially during the covid period, which affects us all. Continued Good wishes for your wonderful workers and god bless and keep you all safe.’
I donate to TLM ‘Because TLM is making an enormous difference to the lives of children with cancer in Tanzania’
Peter from Dublin

Please choose the recurring monthly donation option and help us save lives every day.
Any amount will bring us closer to:

Protecting the immunocompromised children currently on our ward,

Reaching those we are yet to treat and

The long term survival of the services we provide
Donate today, for their tomorrows.
T Shilling
Euro (€)
Sterling (£)
USD ($)

We also fundraise for various small projects we call #MakeAnImpact projects! These little project are requests for funding that arise across all areas of our work. Whether we urgently need something repaired, need special chemotherapy to treat a child, or need your help to safely transport children to their clinical appointments, they can be a whole host of things. All equally important, just like each of our little friends.