Haven of Peace Academy School (HOPAC) have been supporting us for a number of years and in the last 6 months have fundraised over 6.3 Million Tanzanian Shillings ($2,700+ USD) in support of Tumaini La Maisha and childhood cancer services in Tanzania. This HUGE achievement is thanks to the efforts of two very special students and the support of their peers and the school community and boards of management.
Students Aanika and Rina approached us with a number of ideas for fundraising and youth engagement, but despite having to re-work their original ideas for the time being, made incredible waves through fundraising. They led the way in our Piggy Bank Campaign, raising awareness among their classmates and friends through presentations, assemblies as well as peer-to-peer activities. We’re also most grateful to Ms Kaniki and HOPAC at large for their 2.3 million donation in lieu of the annual service week visits that were unable to run this year.
As soon as the opportunity arose for Aanika and Rina to visit TLM, we were absolutely delighted to welcome them as interns, where they continued to contribute their energy, skills and enthusiasm while enjoying engaging with the children.

Rina (L), Aanika (R) volunteering at this years Artisan Market (Videos and more information here in the latest newsletter!).
We asked them to talk in their own words about their contributions to TLM this year and experiences in the hospital. Here are their words:
‘This year I was given the opportunity to work with Tumaini La Maisha in raising funds in order to help with the children’s treatment with the help of my peers at school. At first my friend and I wanted to work with Prisca, the crafts teacher, as well as the teenagers at the ward. We came up with new craft ideas and lesson plans that we would’ve loved to see carried out, however because of covid we were unable to do so. This meant our first plan wouldn’t work so we had to go back to the drawing board and figure out another way in which we could help, which is when we were introduced to the piggy bank campaign. I instantly fell in love with it and couldn’t wait to get started. We started coming up with new ideas and plans on how we could raise money so that we could help with the treatment costs. We pitched our ideas to our peers and they without a doubt took in our ideas with open hearts and made them a reality. As a school we were able to raise over 6 million TSH and we couldn’t have done it without the support from the school. July came around and the school year had ended but we knew we weren’t done serving yet, which is when we were offered an internship at TLM. Although I was nervous at first as I didn’t know what to expect I went in with a heart ready to serve where I was needed. My time at TLM was truly a learning experience as I did things I had never done before in a place completely new to me. I am thankful for such an amazing and humbling opportunity, I have learnt to always be grateful for everything I have and always smile even when things aren’t going right, because if those amazing kids at TLM can I can too. I cannot wait to present our new ideas to the school next school year, and I am more excited than ever as I now know exactly who I am helping.’
‘This year, I was given the opportunity to serve and help raise money for children with cancer in Tumaini La Maisha. Working with Tumaini la Maisha was a life changing involvement. I had nearly zero expectations which made the experience indeed more energizing and full of surprises. When sorting out the piggy bank campaign in school, I knew the cause that it was aiming to support. However, during that period of time I had never gone to Tumaini La Maisha. The day I was at long last able to go and visit the wards was the day I got more spurred to assist the children’s lives as much as I can. Seeing their youthful and innocent faces genuinely put things into perspective. Whilst giving the Tumaini La Maisha introduction in school to introduce the piggy bank campaign, I never thought that my peers would have the drive to persistently give what they may each week. They totally debunked my theories as each week various classes all through the school gave a liberal sum of contribution. After seeing the hard work and devotion they all put in, it was really fulfilling to see the happy responses of those who work in Tumaini La Maisha. I am very happy with all the accomplishments I have achieved along with my friend.’
We are so grateful for the kindness, compassion and commitment shown by Aanika, Rina, Ms Kaniki and the entire HOPAC school community and boards of management. The contributions you have made this year will make a significant impact to the services we provide and ensure that every child has the best possible quality treatment and livelihood while in treatment for childhood cancer. We look forward to our continued partnership in advocacy and compassion for children.
Aanika and Rina – our HOPAC Heroes!! We thank you and look forward to joining forces again soon!! You Are TLM!!!