Happy New Year 2022!!

Happy new year!!! We are grateful to all of you who have continuously supported us over the years and we look forward to saving more lives and making a bigger impact this year. Together we can!

Toto Afya Support
11th- The Farheens Foundation made a donation of Tzs 1,663,200 to cover the cost of health insurance for 33 kids. Asante sana!
EZ Living Interiors

28th- A huge thank you to EZ Living Interiors for raising 15,000 Euros throughout their stores across Ireland by selling makes made by the parents at the skills shop in Ujasiri and also through the online personalised Christmas messages from Santa. So grateful to everyone who got involved especially Liam Dineen, Ola Jordan and all the amazing staff and friends.

Tanga Festival
29-30th- The cancer awareness festival held in Tanga was a huge success with a great turnout of over 250 kids!! Let’s continue to join hands to fight cancer because kids can’t fight cancer alone!
AMBA & BGA Excellence Award

31st- Tumaini La Maisha & Their Lives Matter in collaboration with UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School was awarded a bronze medal for ‘Best Business School Partnership 2022’ at AMBA and BGA International Excellence Awards. Here’s the link to read more about the award.
Staff Of The Quarter

The people have spoken and the votes are in!!! The staff members of the quarter are……. Dr Chambega Mhina and Winfrida Mwigune – congratulations to you both on your hard work and dedication and always putting children first – we are so proud of you both!!!!!!
Inspiration Patient of the month

Our patient this month is Isam Hamisi; an incredible young boy who fought through the toughest times. Here’s his full story.
Welcome Kate
February started off with a new face. Everyone meet Kate Barlow who’s here from Ireland and will be supporting TLM management for 3 months as part of her volunteering program.

International Childhood Cancer Day
15th- Happy international childhood cancer day 2022!!!

We had an amazing and fun day for the kids. Our morning started off with a march around muhimbili grounds with singing and chanting of wonderful songs that the kids have been taught by our brilliant social team and was later followed by clown entertainment, dancing & lunch with some of the wonderful donors and supporters. It was such a great day with lots of amazing energy from all the children! It’s moments like these that we see the real definition of strength! Here’s a preview of the wonderful day.

27th- The annual kilimarathon took place in Moshi and a huge congratulations to everyone who participated to fundraise a very helpful TZS 25millin for kids cancer at our TLM partner site KCMC! Amazing efforts from all especially as you all smashed the entire marathon! with the incredible Dr Kheri Tungaraza finishing the full grueling marathon and Annika Milisic, Kate Barlow, Alex Kaijage, Benard, Alistidia Albogast, Eliwangu Mlaki & Trish Scanlan all taking on the half marathon to raise much needed funds for our precious patients. Here are more pictures.
Inspiration story of the month

Gladness Lusana- This story features a little girl who showed us that superheroes do indeed live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles. More of Gladness story is available here
March Visits

7th- A very big thank you to Wings of support for paying us a visit as well as your kind donations of medical supplies and gifts for the kids which come almost every single month!
Happy international womens day 2022!!! This year we are #BreakingTheBias. We had a great opportunity to hear from Prof Karina Butler from UCD School of medicine and Dr Trish Scanlan who shared with her views and journey as an inspirational woman in medicine at the UCD School of Medicine IWD virtual event. It was truly an amazing and insightful session. For anyone who missed it, you can watch the event through this link.
International Women’s Day 2022

Dental & Oral Health Day
17th- We had a special visitation from Tanzania dental student association who conducted an oral health education and screening event at our Tumaini & Upendo ward. The kids were so attentive and interactive throughout as they learnt about the importance of oral health. And each child got a colgate tooth brush & tooth paste! Asante sana TDSA kwa kuja na kuelimisha watoto wetu juu ya umuhimu wa afya na usafi wa vinywa vyetu!

Wings of support donation
21st- Thank you for lovely white coats!
Kibubu campaign school presentation
22nd- An eventful Friday afternoon introducing our kibubu campaign to Msasani Islamic secondary school students! Asante sana Msasani Islamic school kusikiliza jambo letu!
Here’s a short video explaining more about our kibubu campaign.

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Magazine Feature
24th- So excited to announce that we have been featured in the Dar life March 2022 issue!! Make sure to grab a copy or click the link to read the lovely piece dedicated to all the brave little warriors fighting childhood cancer.
Inspiration patient of the month

Masanga- A young boy who showed us that his cancer would only be a chapter in his life and not his whole story. Click here to read more.

We Are TLM and we want to hear from you!