Happy new year 2023!!!! We are so grateful for you. Thank you for helping us share good news, smiles and most importantly HOPE. Your support over the last year helped us make everything we do possible and we look forward to bringing you along with us as we continue to grow the TLM family and expand childhood cancer services across Tanzania.
DGG Leadership Summit in Memphis
8th- Our events and communications Manager Jane had the opportunity to attend the DGG Leadership summit at ALSAC-St. Jude in Memphis and got to know and gain first hand ALSAC and St. Jude and experience and exposure to new fundraising tools and best practices, particularly for event planning. We look forward to implement all the new skills into our fundraising plans this year.

19th- visit from Prof Elena from IIPAN and Prof Zisis from IARC to discuss nutrition research and clinical interventions and to create the following video to promote our collective effort
Dr. Corbally visits MNH
23rd- Dr. Martin Corbally from Operation Childlife visits MNH to once again operate with local colleagues on children with advanced and complex liver and kidney tumours.

TLM Board Chair Appointed District Commissioner
25th- A big congratulations to our board chair Dr. Gerald Mongella who has been appointed as the new district commissioner of Chemba. We wish you all the best in your new position

Irish Blood Transfusion Service
31st – The first meeting between the Irish Blood Transfusion service and their Tanzanian counterparts – TLM is proud to have helped connect these two very important teams and look forward to learning about the collaborative efforts that may develop from this initial meeting.

CleverCharts Development Updates
1st- Following a number of exciting discussions our long suffering TLM CleverCharts engineering team of one! (the wonderful David Sweeney) joined forces today with the incredible team of software engineers from RatherLabs in Argentina – lead by Sebastian Sigvard and supported by Miguel Alvarez. Ratherlabs has donated the time of these exceptional experts to help TLM CleverCharts complete it’s development to ensure it’s immanent Clinical release for use across Tanzania will be as smooth as possible. Weekly meetings with David and Dr Trish began today. We could not be more grateful.
Monthly Call with ALSAC
13th – We continued our monthly meetings with the very supportive ALSAC team who guide the TLM charity to strengthen our processes and increase our impact – we always learn something new at these meetings.
International Childhood Cancer Day
15th- Today is International Childhood Cancer Day- a day to highlight why we must continue to fight paediatric cancer. Together we must raise our voices and envision the day that there are no borders for all children with cancer regardless of where they live as it is our mission.

TLM Extends Support To Oncology Children
16th- TLM are now providing further support to the poorest children on Upendo and Tumaini wards by covering the bills they receive after completing the social and financial exemption process with the hospital to access CT/MRI scans and surgeries at MNH.
Dr. Trish In Moshi
22nd – Dr Trish spent a week at KCMC in Moshi working alongside the hardworking clinical team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists, lab scientists,’ pharmacists and support staff. The many ways that KCMC and TLM might strengthen our current relationship were discussed and it was a very positive and enjoyable week – thank you KCMC team for your warm welcome.
Lions District 411c
22nd- A very big thank you once again the Lions Clubs International District 411C for donating over TZS14mil which will cover health insurance costs for over 290 children this year!

Kilimarathon 2023
26th- It’s that time of the year again and all these wonderful people signed up to run the Kilimarathon to help raise much needed funds to support and expand childhood cancer services in Tanzania more specifically in Moshi where the marathon takes place each year. A big congratulations to everyone who turned up and ran for TLM at the Kilimarathon to fundraise for childhood cancer services in Tanzania and amazing efforts from everyone especially as you all smashed it!!

PanAfrican Meeting
6th- Meeting with PanAfrican to update them on their support to TLM as well as mentions of the update and renewed expression of interest in TLM projects this year.
International Women’s Day
8th- On this day and every other day, we honour the incredible contributions of the women in our organization. Happy International Women’s Day to all

The Metabollix Band In Dar
13th- The Metabollix Band arrived from Dublin and spent the week entertaining the city before their big event on the 18th of March. This team of professional musicians lead by the force of nature that is Professor Luke O’Neill came to DSM for a week, paid their own flights and raised a whooping 17,000 Euros between them. Thanks so much to Mr Ketan Patel and Mr Nick McAleer who arranged for their complementary accommodation at the Seacliff hotel for the week.
On the 17th of March they played at the Little theatre to raise funds to buy musical instruments for a music therapy programme for child oncology patients and street kids in DSM – this team could not have had a bigger impact in their one week visit.

Irish Minister Visits TLM
14th- We had a lovely visit from Sen. Pippa Hackett of Ireland who visited both wards & hostel and was able to see the impact of all the projects supported by The Embassy of Ireland in Tanzania. This support has helped us continue to provide high quality cancer care to all the families and expand the services across Tanzania.

National Cancer Registry Meeting
16th- The national cancer registry meeting took place in Moshi this year with a great presentation from Dr Trish.

St. Patrick’s Fundraiser Ball
18th- A very big Thank you to everyone who joined us at the St. Patricks fundraiser ball, it was a great success. A big thank you to our MC Evans Bukuku and amazing performance from The Metabollix all the way from Dublin and Irish singing, dancing and most importantly managed to raise $35,500 much needed funds which will all go to improving and expanding childhood cancer services in Tanzania.
Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors, friends and donors for supporting us in unimaginable ways!! We couldn’t have done it without you🙏

Children’s Classroom Revamp
25th- Welcome to the revamped children’s classroom at Ujasiri house!!!
A very big thank you to Golden Summer Family, Plants for Life, Fatema Dewji & team as well as everyone else who took time, made the effort and was involved in the entire renovation of the children’s classroom. The children love love love the new space, you made their dream a reality!!

National Paediatric Oncology Meeting
27th- The National Paediatric oncology working group on Lymphoma coordinated and facilitated by TLM took place at MUHAS. Thank you to all who attended; Thank you MUHAS for providing the venue and Global Hope for the delicious lunch!

Gloria- Inspirational Story Of The Month
Tumaini La Maisha is to give hope to the families battling childhood cancer. Through the National Childhood Cancer Network (NCCN), we were drawn specifically to a family from central zone that had previously endured tragedy and the mother had lost all hope. The mother had, who is now a childhood cancer survivor of retinoblastoma which is the cancer of the eye and who’s had 3 children all who suffered from the same type of cancer but unfortunately all 3 died. Her now fourth child who is 10 months old has also been diagnosed with the same kind of cancer for both eyes.
With building and establishing the NCCN which we have now 15 partner sites we were able to have Gloria and her mother walk through our doors and help restore the hope that she has lost but also provide the care and treatment that Gloria needs. We are working closely with the ophthalmologists around the country to help save at least one of Gloria’s eyes.
We thank all our donors, friends and supporters for always donating and being involved in all TLM initiatives to help save lives, but we ask you not to stop there and to continue so that hope can be restored in the families such as Gloria’s.

We Are TLM and we want to hear from you!