Would you consider?:
- A bake sale – maybe you could even take orders and deliver in exchange for donations!
- Challenge yourself to a marathon, half marathon or 5k for sponsorship!
- Creating your own fitness challenge!
- Hosting a charity ‘movie night’ and getting your friends to join in
- shaving or dyeing your hair in the Monk or Punk efforts
- climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro or any other local mountain!
- learning a musical instrument to Grade one level
- donating 1,000/ 2,000 or more from the sale of your products
- hosting a swap shop, garden party or coffee morning..
Or any other fun way you can think of to raise money for children with cancer in Tanzania please get in touch. We’ll be happy to provide you with sponsorship cards and a fundraising pack. Click here to contact us.
There are countless ways to fundraise for TLM and we are always interested in fun and innovative ideas – which help keep supporters engaged!!! Here are a few creative fundraisers that have taken place since 2020:
- International Hike by Love Hope Strength
- Legions Club Renovation Project
- Samia’s Jewellery Making Fundraiser
- Essys Jam Ramadan Campaign
- The Irish Blood Transfusion Society virtually travelled to Tanzania
- The Cliff Road Ladies made and sold Masks and Calendars
- Bernie walked in memory of former TLM Patron Fr Terry Cantwell SDS
- Martin walked a step for each life lost to COVID -19
- Tanzeela champions our Piggy Bank Campaign in her school!
- Elsie Hosted a sleep out!
These are just examples of all the wonderful ways we can raise much needed funds to support children with cancer in Tanzania. The options are endless and we would be delighted to help with ideas and planning if you wish!