Kibubu/ Money boxes are flat pack cardboard awareness and fundraising boxes designed by TLM and distributed to school children. Each Kibubu Box represents a child in Tanzania who develops cancer each year. Kibubu boxes are delivered to schools, each with their own serial number and registration form where participants can set a fundraising goal, write a message to the children on the ward and keep track of donations if they wish to do.
- Kibubu campaigns have raised over $150,000 for TLM since the first campaign in 2019.
- Generally one is launched for Childhood Cancer Awareness Day February 15th, one around Ramadan/Eid in April/May and one in September childhood cancer Month.
- Each school usually has preferences as to the collection date and time that would suit them – usually we suggest 4-6 weeks.
- Certificates are also given to schools to suit their preference. Some prefer one certificate for the school, others prefer one for each child/ each class/ certain children who raised over 100k TSh e.g.
- When collecting funds – schools are to be given the choice to deposit funds in an account and currency that suits them, send us a cheque accounting for funds raised or give us the cash and coins (often still in their money boxes!)
In any case, all schools must be given a receipt for funds received and at least 2 members of staff must be present when funds are being collected.

Kibubu boxes are a powerful tool that teach children to advocate for their peers and work towards a goal they set for themselves, where the end objective helps others. They encourage service for others, advocacy, awareness and peer to peer fundraising. The Kibubu campaign goals are equally to raise awareness and community engagement with children’s cancer services as well as fundraising. Often, the most impactful Kibubu Champs are not those who raise the most money but those who mobilise support amongst their families and communities and connect meaningfully with our mission.
Children who have taken part in Kibubu campaigns have often come to TLM as volunteers, interns and many have expressed an interest in one day joining our team!
Below is a video tutorial on how to fold the Kibubu box! Happy Collecting!!